Thursday, January 12, 2012

Linda Style Fresh Apple Cake

3 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup oil
2 cups sugar
3 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp bk soda
3 cups peeled chopped apples
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Topping--Recipe follows

Beat eggs, vanilla and oil , mix well. Add everything else and stir well. Grease 9x13 pan and spead evenly.. Bake at 350* 30 - 35 minutes Tester will come out clean when done.

While cake is cooling a minute..make topping..

1 cup brown sugar
8 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup milk

Bring to boil over med heat in saucepan--only long enough for sugar to dissolve. Remove from heat and ADD 1 tsp vanilla. Let set a few minutes and pour over cake. THIS will look like there is way too much but pour it ALL on..Cool and eat...just try not to eat the entire thing without sharing!

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