Sunday, November 1, 2015



Wash and slice potatoes.. Melt a stick of butter in saucepan and add your sliced potatoes. Also add your spices. I used a mix of garlic, onion, salt, pepper, bay leaf, cumin and rosemary. Stil to coat.

Line your potatoes in a cast iron skillet that has been coated with bacon grease, or oil of your choice. Top with bacon pieces, i cut mine in small chunks. Use as much as you like.i covered my potatoes with about a half pound.

Bake in a 425* oven for 45 minutes, check make sure done..take out and top with cheese and back in oven to melt cheese.

Take out and sprinkle with chopped green onion and sour cream , if desired.

Next time i make will add onion..


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