Friday, December 27, 2013


Anyone have leftover ham as i is 1 of my favorite soups using leftover ham..

Linda's Potato Soup

Put leftover ham pieces and or ham bone in large stock pot , cover with water..heat to boiling then simmer till meat falls off bone, if using a bone also, if not:

 just continue to add lots onion, carrots, about a half cup or a handful of broccoli, fresh or frozen, if you don't like broccoli..don't add..i  like the bits of green color it gives, plus i love broccoli!

I add about 3/4 to 1 cup of chicken base ---  garlic powder ( if i had to guess amount--maybe 2 T) ---  salt and pepper.  ( mine has ton of pepper--you want to taste it)

Dice your potatoes and add to pot. ONce again i do not measure anything, i just add till it is thick with potatoes and thick to stir-- really can't go wrong ( well unless you don't add enough) I probably peeled about 8 to 10 potatoes in the batch made yesterday..

Add 2 bay leaves in pot and continue cooking till everything is tender--i use my masher and give it a few mashes so everything is not all chunks..

When ready add milk--maybe 2 cups..once again i just pour--i tell by color-- and at this point make sure heat is not too high as you do not want your soup to scorch the bottom...burnt milk--no good!  Then i thicken with corstarch and remove bay leaves..taste.. if needs more salt , pepper or garlic...add more and enjoy.

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