Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Yup...def that time...wait...it is always time for jerky...homemade kind anyway!! Here is my recipe..have perfected it over the years...at least I think so..
Here it is:

start with whatever kind of meat...beef or venison even turkey came out good. Get whatever is cheapest that is lean and very little to no marbeling..2 to 4 pounds or more..your choice.. Trim off all fat and slice thin..put in bowl to marinate for 24 hours.
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon lawrys
2 teas garlic powder
1 teas salt ( or more if you like salty-- I DO!!)
1/2 teas pepper
2 teas liquid smoke ( unless you using your smoker outside with wood chips)

That's it..Marinate 24 hours and lay on your trays in smoker and wait till it is done to your preference. Mine is dry and crunchy!

If you do not have a smoker it works great in a 200-250 degree oven-- just layer on baking sheets and make sure your oven door is cracked a bit

Makes the house smell wonderful as it is drying!!

If you try it , be sure to let me know how you like it...

If you like hot and spicy i add crushed hot peppers that i made awhile back..mmmm good!!

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