Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Cinnamon-y Applesauce Pumpkin Muffins

Lorelei wanted applesauce muffins..and well, since they don't eat the best I always try to add in good for them stuff. Such as protein powder, which you cannot taste and pumpkin which thankfully they really like anyway!!

1 boxed carrot or spice cake
4 eggs
2/3 cup oil
3/4 cup homemade cinnamon applesauce
      if not very cinnamon-y might add a T or so
1/2 cup pureed pumpkin
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup milk
1 big scoop of vanilla protein powder

Mix well and scoop into any size muffin tins you like.
I use reg lined cupcake pan and the mini cupcake pan.

350* at 18 minutes for regular pan and
16 minutes with the mini pan..i use a toothpick and test to make sure done.

cool and drizzle or dip in glaze of your choice.. or eat plain..

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