Tiny bit of chocolate though a big pop of flavor for your mouth! All wrapped in together with my peanut butter mix . These are time consuming but very fun and easy. I do not know who came up with these but i did find this on Pinterest.
You need:
pt butter
powdered sugar
I used maple flavoring but you could use vanilla or any of your choice
melting chocolate
decorator piping bag or heavy duty zip lock and small tip, whichever you prefer.
Mix your peanut butter, XXX sugar, flavoring and butter. My pt butter and sugar was a bit thick so that is why i used a bit of butter and flavoring to make it a bit more creamy to pipe. You could do this in other ways but this is what i chose to do.
Fill your decorator bag and fill each tiny little bugle, the ones that have no opening to fill you must eat as you go! MMMM...
Melt your chocolate and dip each end and lay on wax paper to dry. Fridge to hurry up this process.
Eat...Share..Make more! Only thing with these is, they do tend to go stale after a day or two because of the peanut butter mix inside...and stale bugles are NOT good..and I hate o waste a good bugle filled and dipped in all that chocolate.!